Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Coolest Kid in the 10th Grade

The new computer came from Mommy and Daddy in the mail yesterday.

It's pretty cool. I don't even know how to do all the things it can do. But it has a remote for movies/CD but it also works in programs like Powerpoint and other "useful" things. But I've been playing a movie with the power unplugged for the past twenty minutes and it only used up 4% of the battery. yay! And it's shiny silver and white and all slippery smooth all over.

Hooray for generous, come-to-the-rescue parents!


Anonymous said...

Not quite as cool as a direct email but OK.

-E-k-S- said...

Hey Jo-

I was so sorry to hear about all your stuff getting stolen. I'm glad you were able to get some of it back. What kind of laptop is it. Sounds pretty sweet. Hope you're well. Happy Thanksgiving! Love ya!