Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Craig's List

I don't normally read Craig's List, but I was killing time on my lunch break today and came across this personal: (I'm guessing Madlibs...?)

i'm four years old. i enjoy jetpack racing, human boxing, and early titte brothers. my ideal date would be with a female human who is at least four feet shorter than me and light enough for me to carry above my head and sprint for one hundred yards. we could go to a nice appliance store and grab the spinning fans. or maybe go stare at an eclipse while screaming at it. then we could retire back to my place and play one hundred games of video pong. or simply get to know one another by dragging each other around my living room with a large magnet.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A New Hymn (well, new to me anyway...)

I've not heard this before and we sang it this morning as Mrs. Marston's choice at the staff meeting. I also went to the wrong staff meeting, but whatever. It's nice to pray for the kids and know what's going on and such.

O Thou, in Whose Presence

O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight,
On whom in affliction I call,
My comfort by day, and my song in the night,
My hope, my salvation, my all.

Where dost Thou at noontide resort with Thy sheep,
To feed on the pastures of love?
Say, why in the valley of death should I weep,
Or alone in the wilderness rove?

O, why should I wander an alien from Thee,
And cry in the desert for bread?
Thy foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see,
And smile at the tears I have shed.

The roses of Sharon, the lilies that grow
In vales, on the banks of the streams:
On His cheeks, all the beauties of excellence glow,
And His eyes are as quivers of beams.

His voice, as the sound of the dulcimer sweet,
Is heard through the shadows of death;
The cedars of Lebanon bow at His feet,
The air is perfumed with His breath.

His lips as a fountain of righteousness flow,
That waters the garden of grace,
From which their salvation the Gentiles shall know,
And bask in the smiles of His face.

Love sits on His eye-lids, and scatters delight
Through all the bright mansions on high;
Their faces the cherubim veil in His sight,
And tremble with fullness of joy.

He looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice,
And myriads wait for His word;
He speaks, and eternity, filled with His voice,
Re-echoes the praise of her Lord.

Dear Shepherd, I hear and will follow Thy call;
I know the sweet sound of Thy voice.
Restore and defend me, for Thou art my All,
And in Thee I will ever rejoice.