Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vaguely Indecent

If it were me in the situation, I would have done the same thing (I guess) but I still think what happened was non-ideal.

About three minutes after my shift started, about a week ago, two ladies approached me from the rear and asked where the scissors are. I directed them to the wall a few feet away and I started to walk off. They then asked if any were open packages. I said "No." As it turned out, they needed to cut something. They showed me what and I sort of paused. One of the ladies had used the public restroom and had gotten the pocket of her jeans stuck in the zipper. Therefore she could not zip her jeans. To this day, I still can't figure out how this happened exactly. I try not to think about it too much but, somehow, I can't help myself; I can't figure it out. I went up to the front and brought her the cashier's scissors. She was rescued.

Another victory for the best darn sales associate Michael's Arts and Crafts has ever seen!


Daniel Alders said...

wow Jo, you are so talented! Way to go. Remind me again why you quit that job... oh wait, you never told me in the first place. :-)

jo said...

I am quitting becuase they would fire me for going to Rachel's wedding. (long story short...)

and, yes, I am talented.