Monday, May 29, 2006

Number One Post

I have high hopes that this blog will be amusing or entertaing or at least informative. My goal is to let my friends and family know what is going on way out here in potato land. This may seem like the lazy person's solution to the "communication problem" but I think it will be slightly better. This way y'all can have pictures and such to go along with the descriptions.

I can't predict the future so I don't know exactly what this will be about. But I will be moving so I'll have an apartment to talk about and show pictures of. I will be getting a new job (hopefully soon!) and I will be going on several trips; plans include camping in Glacier National Park, Seattle, Dublin, Baltimore and back home to visit.

I'll talk about what books I'm reading and pretty much anything I am interested it. For example, I just saw this on the news... the annual Cheese Chasing Festival in England.

Right now I'm reading Tepper Isn't Going Out. Which is a slow-moving adventure about a man who likes to pay to sit in his car and read the newspaper in metered parking spots in Manhattan. So far it's fun, I'll let you know how it continues.

Tonight, Rachel and I are working on our current puzzle (1000 pieces, picture of marbles) then heading off to sleep. And tomorrow...who knows!


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