Saturday, July 12, 2008

I found $5!!!

It's Canadian, but well, that's worth a whole lot more than it used to be. I wish I could use my Canadian money to get some corn on the cob and go skiing on Lake Erie.

I know, twice in one day after so long with nothing.

I'm off to go start pricing out heart rate monitors...

Also, today I carried a Venti Frappuccino in the water bottle cage of my bicycle.


Emeth Hesed said...

That's funny. I just found a Canadian $5 in my bag on Sunday. You want it? :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, it's good to have you back Jo. We are, in fact, having Auntie Jo withdrawal at our house - Flannery has asked every day since Tuesday if you are coming for dinner.
We might break our Wednesday night hiatus...