Sunday, August 19, 2007

Prometheus Comes to Polk Street

Now I know you're not supposed to tell where you live online, but there's a lot of miles of "Polk Street" in the town where I live and the alliteration was just too nice to pass up.

Today it's the coldest day I can remember in August -- anywhere I've ever been in August. So we girls decided to try to turn on some heat. For heat we have a gas fireplace/stove. It's really neat looking but not exactly the most intuitive appliance. We plugged it in. Nothing. We adjusted the thermostat on the wall. Nothing. Then I noticed the pipe coming from the wall and I opened the valve for the gas to actually enter the stove. And we had to read the directions about 1o times -- after we found them -- before we were able to make the pilot spark. But now it works and we understand how; and Phil (the Landlord) came down and explained further.

yay! we have fire!

I tried to make Jiffy Pop on the top of the stove, but after it sat there for about an hour and didn't even start to sizzle, I gave up. I'll make it on the real stove. Like normal people.

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