Saturday, June 10, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!

Those of you who have been astute observers of my profile will have noticed that my age changed recently. I had a birthday. This one was not a milestone -- none of those left (unless you count turning 35 and becoming elegible to run for president) until I can join AARP, I'm looking forward to that discount!

Anyhow, Rachel threw me a party and we had pizza and ice cream cake and paper blow-y things and presents. I got kicked out of the room while Rachel and the boys wrapped my presents but that worked out okay, I went to pick up the pizza. But I got back too soon and wasn't allowed in. I didn't mind.

Just yesterday the last of the presents came in the mail. We're not in the new apartment yet, but we've picked a lot of the things we want to decorate with. One of them is this art print of
Water Skiing In Florida
. Neither one of us has ever skiied in Florida, but we like the picture at lot.

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