Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Shoes That Will Get Me To Ireland

Here's the latest plans --

We're going to Dublin. And we're going to run in a Marathon. The Adidas Dublin Marathon on October 30th.

We were going to work with Team in Training, a fundraising orginization for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. But there were only a few small problems with that idea. Mainly we had to figure out how to raise $5800. Each. And that means selling a heck of a lot of Krispy Kremes. Also, we don't actually know anyone with those diseases so there would not be a whole lot of personal motivation to earn the money. So we decided to just save our own money and go. Because flights are about $900 and the entry for the race is only 70 Euros. So we are saving our money and zealously following our five-month training guides.

Today is a 30 minute run.

We're not sure what else we should see while we're in Dublin, but we need suggestions. Becuase of the time change, we have to fly in about three days before the race and airline ticktets are cheaper if we fly out a few days after, so we are stuck. We have to stay in Dublin. ;-)

It may seem crazy to start with a marathon, but it's not totally starting from scratch, we have run several 5k races. And lots of old ladies run marathons, we've seen pictures! It must be possible. And October is a long way off, I'm sure we'll be in training by then.

Ask me if I ran today!

Summary of Recent Events

Since Graduation:

-- Just today I went up to Spokane, WA where Rachel bought a camera and we had dinner at the newest Sonic. This is one of the best restaurants ever, and this one did not disappoint, in fact there was extra amusement as we watched the new employees learn how to carhop on rollerskates!

-- Last Friday Rachel and I went camping at Dworshak Resevoir State Park. This dam is the second tallest concrete dam in the world (only shorter than Hoover by seven feet -- why didn't they just make it taller?) We had a great time. We visited the fish hatchery, went on a hike in the pouring rain, and drove up a mountain with curves posted at 10 mph. We're thinking about visiting again.

-- Before that, I finally broke down and bought an ipod. I got the nano, in black. (this was at CostCo)

-- Before that, I've basically spent my time filling out job applications, turning them in and calling potential supervisors to ask if they've gotten my information. Kinda discouraging.

-- Before that was graduation and my family (Mom, Dad, brother and Grandpa) visited. We had a baseball game picnic and everyone had a good time. I even met some new family. My grandpa's nephew's daughter, Megan, lives here in Moscow and we found out about her in time to invite her to the party.

-- Before that was senior year and that's getting a little ridicuouls to summarize in a post.

Going to bed now...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Number One Post

I have high hopes that this blog will be amusing or entertaing or at least informative. My goal is to let my friends and family know what is going on way out here in potato land. This may seem like the lazy person's solution to the "communication problem" but I think it will be slightly better. This way y'all can have pictures and such to go along with the descriptions.

I can't predict the future so I don't know exactly what this will be about. But I will be moving so I'll have an apartment to talk about and show pictures of. I will be getting a new job (hopefully soon!) and I will be going on several trips; plans include camping in Glacier National Park, Seattle, Dublin, Baltimore and back home to visit.

I'll talk about what books I'm reading and pretty much anything I am interested it. For example, I just saw this on the news... the annual Cheese Chasing Festival in England.

Right now I'm reading Tepper Isn't Going Out. Which is a slow-moving adventure about a man who likes to pay to sit in his car and read the newspaper in metered parking spots in Manhattan. So far it's fun, I'll let you know how it continues.

Tonight, Rachel and I are working on our current puzzle (1000 pieces, picture of marbles) then heading off to sleep. And tomorrow...who knows!
